We believe in the need for an educational architecture capable of raising awareness of contemporary issues among different generations.

We believe in the social value and design responsibility of public spaces that are bearers of unique and shared experiences.

We believe in a multiple subjective vision capable of creating shared projects: many eyes that observe the same phenomenon and enrich it with different perceptions.

We believe in the field approach and in the involvement of the population as tools to deeply investigate the culture of the place.

We believe
in the urgency of intervening in forgotten urban facts, in urban realities placed on the margins and in compromised landscapes.

We believe in multidisciplinarity because architecture resides in every human experience.

We believe in total inclusiveness and every form of human expression.

We believe that beauty should be accessible to all through public spaces full of social and cultural values.

Collettivo ctrl+S  is a group of people who decided to come together with the interest of generating reactions and emotions through the intervention on places and landscapes, rethinking the relationship between space and public in the anthropic dimension.

The identity of many urban realities risks to be irreversibly compromised because of political and economic choices often irreconcilable with the genius loci. Architecture can be an effective tool to tell places through new methods of research and action. We propose a collaboration made by many hands and many minds, trying to restore ethical, social and formal values through their reinterpretation in a contemporary key.

In the places in which we undertake design paths we establish synergies with different associations and administrative realities, together with them we build a narrative able to tell the identity and culture of the place. Our work is not limited only to the architectural project, but also involves the planning and research of the means to realize the visions born from a careful observation of the contexts in which we operate.

The figure of the architect in which we believe, in fact, plays the role of a catalyst, since through a multidisciplinary approach and processes from below merges ideas, phenomena, people, will in concrete acts, using all the contemporary tools to promote social and cultural innovation.

We define our interventions as acts. Act is understood as physical action, motion, collective construction, in which architecture becomes the medium to tell a choral work. Our interest does not focus solely on the final product, but also on the process.

These are the principles on which
Collettivo ctrl+S is based.

Luciana Di Marzo, Rebecca Felline, Giovanni Garrisi, Monica Galeotti, Paola Ghiano,
Francesca Girolami, Francesco Hamard, Marco Iembo, Laura Ingargiola, Francesca Lauretta.

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©️collettivo ctrl+S
ITA ︎ collettivoctrls